Monday, April 25, 2016

Now I See!

I am thankful for the light of Faith. Some people think faith is taking a leap into the dark or that faith is blind. The opposite is actually true! Faith is jumping into the light and out of the darkness behind you. Faith is always moving forward and does not look backwards at what was, but is present to what is and what is yet to come. When we don't have Faith we stumble around in the dark continually looking for the light.  I think of the words in Amazing Grace.... "I once was lost, but now I see". John Newton the composer was talking about his new found Faith and how it changed his life. Are you lost? Perhaps you have been blinded by things that keep you in the shadows of darkness. Can I encourage you today that a leap of Faith allows for illuminating light to enter your life and the exposes those shadows and fears. Just like Faith and Fear cannot exist in the same space neither can light and darkness. 

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