Monday, November 28, 2016

What Will You Choose...

I am rejoice in the opportunity to have a blessed day. Each day I awake God provides me free will to create the day in as perfect a fashion as is humanly possible. I get to choose where I am...who I am with...what I do I feel....what I accomplish. This day is what I make it to be. It is not up to someone else; a teacher, a spouse, a friend, a boss or a partner to set the tone or mood. I control these aspects internally and they reflect externally in my actions. So what's your day going to look like today? How are you going to create it to be as close to perfect as possible? Perfection doesn't whine, make excuses, sulk or complain so if that's how this day started can I encourage you to hit the delete button and restart your programming? Join me! This day has the opportunity to be fabulous. 

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