Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Action Of Proving...

I rejoice in the awareness that it is not necessary to prove who I am. My actions or my daily walk demonstrate this for me. If my heart and actions are service oriented (meant to serve someone besides myself) and I am pure in heart (my intentions) there is no need to prove, justify, or explain  actions. Furthermore, I know that discrediting or hurting someone else is never a positive factor. 

If we believe in who we are their is no need to discredit, tear down or hurt another... just move on and continue on the path of our higher good. When we choose not to and stoop to trying to prove our position what we actually exhibit is that we do not value that person, or a previous or present relationship enough to maintain integrity.  Walking away does not mean we are weak it means we are insightful enough to see that the action of proving is one of negative energy. 

How many hours a day do you spend trying to prove who you are or prove that someone else is not who they say they are? Would you consider that energy positively spent? Can you take a few minutes and think or meditate on how the energy could be of better service to you today? 

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