Thursday, January 25, 2018

What Lies Ahead....

I acknowledge that to see with clarity my next steps along the path to the highest best version of myself I must close my eyes and walk by faith, not by sight. Closing my eyes that and trusting the path and God to guide me takes extreme faith. But, I don't know what lies ahead and He does. 

I find that when I try to control the path within my own sight I take the long route..... or circle the mountain , so to speak. In those times I could have circumvented the energy used by simply trusting my inner voice to guide me. The higher I climb trusting God for I am separated from the world and all it's problems and I am able to tune in to the path God has for me. 

Are your steps guided by faith or by sight today? If you close your eyes or lost your eyesight are you confident that your inner faith could lead you down the path to a continued abundant life? Who has the reins? Is it the One who knows the path or are you blindly trying to steer yourself? Can I encourage you to stop circling the mountain or taking the long route and trust your inner eye, your inner voice for the guidance needed. The highest version of ourselves is waiting. Will you join me?

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