Friday, January 26, 2018

Following The Whisper....

I acknowledge that my intuitive guidance (the whisper inside me) nudges me toward what is good, what is right, what is helpful to not only myself but others.  Divinely inspired guidance urges me without exception to be a force of love and mindfully compassionate as I am of service to others. 

When I dedicate myself to serving others it does not mean my life is not my own.  It merely mean's I am looking through the eyes of God for opportunities to make a difference, in not only my own life but the lives of those around me near and far. It becomes as natural as breathing when I fully step into and acknowledge it's existence. 

Are you tuning into your intuitive guidance? We all have it. God does not skip over anyone when instilling this within us at creation. We do however have Free Will and it is up to us to tune into it, listen to the whisper... open ourselves up to it's guidance. Can I encourage you today to take a few minutes and be still, quiet the chatter of your distractions (tv, phone, people) and turn inward and listen? There is a message there for you. If you allow it to it has the ability to change your life from the inside out.

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