Monday, January 29, 2018

Hitting The Eject Button....

I rejoice in the awareness that failure can only hold me back if I allow it too. The truth is if I am honest with myself  I have failed numerous times on countless occasions. I know I certainly fall short of perfection. It's not really a failure though if I grow from it. Then it is a stepping stone to something better. It is failing forward. 

If life was easy and we never failed how would we ever grow in our faith.... in our strength.... in our integrity. The challenges and failures mold and begin to define that. God, if  we allow Him to will use us right were we are at. We don't have to clean ourselves up or dust ourselves off or get in a better place or better shape to be used by God. He lovingly uses both our failures and our strengths to propel us to a higher version of our previous self. 

Are you being held captive by your past today? Do you continually play the "I am not good enough.... smart enough..... or rich enough tape in your head?" Instead of rewinding it today for another play can I encourage you to hit the eject button and get rid of those thoughts. You were created with enough to succeed beyond your wildest imagination. But it is up to you and I to use those abilities and gifts to their highest and best good. Will you join me today? 

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