Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Common Denominator....

As I awake I rejoice that another the day arrives. It roars in with the rising of the sun. The stillness of the dawn will be exchanged for the noise and chatter of the day. The calm of solitude will be replaced by the pounding pace of the human race and my intentions are set for the day. The quiet of the early morning will be replaced by decisions to be made and commitments to be kept. 

For the next few hours I will be experiencing the day’s opportunities and challenges alike. It is now that I must make a choice on the tone and the intention of my day; how I will be of best service to all that I encounter today. 

Because of Grace of Free Will I am Free to Choose. Today, I choose love...
No occasion I encounter justifies hatred; no injustice warrants bitterness. No one deserves indifference. Every person matters because God placed them here just as He did me.

As our day unfolds what will you choose for this day? Can I encourage that everything starts with love? Love for God.... Love for ourselves.... Love for other people.... Love for what we do..... Love for our goals, passion and purpose. Love is the common denominator. Will you join me in embracing, empowering and enjoying it today?

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