Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Bridge Between Goals and Accomplishments....

I acknowledge that discipline is the bridge between my goals and my accomplishments. I am aware this bridge must be crossed everyday to effect change and/or growth. Knowing the repetition of crossing subconsciously becomes a habit. I own the fact that my habits or daily practice dictates my future. 

It is easier to develop good habits than to "fix" bad ones. There is truth in the fact that a bad habit never goes away on it's own.... it's an "undo-it-yourself project". If we want to change what our future looks like we have to consciously change our habits to manifest a new reality.

What are you doing daily that needs an overhaul or possibly totally removed from your daily routine?  Can I encourage you to focus on being present and transparent to what needs to change in your life to create the highest next best version of who you are capable of being? It all starts with crossing the bridge between just having goals and actually accomplishing them. Will you consider joining me on the journey?

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