Friday, February 2, 2018

Stumbling Block or Growth Opportunity......

I am in gratitude for the awareness that relationships are rarely chance encounters. If I am looking to cultivate the best in my relationships I need to be honest with who I am in the relationship. Is my focus on what I can put into the people in my life, instead of what I can get out of them? Living in a society where who we know seems to take precedence over why we know them feeds on our ego instead of our heart space and usually leads to turbulent relationships. 

God places people in our life on purpose.... those that  bless us and fill us with light, love, joy, passion and  affirm our calling are much easier to have relationship with.  Those that He places in our path that challenge us are usually put there not as a "stumbling block",  but a "growth opportunity". If we look at the relationship and are honest or transparent with ourselves we can usually see why they are placed in our life. 

Would we grow if all our relationship were easy? Being totally transparent, probably not. The growth comes when we have to figure out how to work thru things..... find the higher good.... be a better person in the moment.  Can I encourage you to evaluate both what you consider your good and your difficult relationships today and jot down how they fuel you.... grow you....fill you up.... and propel you forward into a higher, stronger version of your previous self? 

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