Wednesday, February 21, 2018

True Center...

I am in gratitude to be living from my true center, allowing inner peace to radiate in and thru every area of my life. I am blessed with a peace that passes all understanding and a joy that is often unspeakable. I choose to be overflowing in abundance and unconditional love.  

These states of being cannot be severed or controlled by another. They reside in me and me alone. So often we base our moments on our circumstances, or the people around us and what they have to say about our life. Knowing who I am and being in awareness and gratitude keep my living in my true center where outside forces have a hard time shaking my core beliefs. 

Are you operating from true center or allowing your life to be bounced around like a ping pong ball in all directions? Can I encourage you to take ownership of the paddle and the ball today? If we can find our center most point and work our way in gratitude from it we began to change the way we look at things and the way we do and receive life.  Will you join me?

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