Friday, December 23, 2016

24/7- Year Round...

I rejoice that Spirit is available everywhere, not just in holy places, prayer and meditation. I can find it in my relationships, my business, my daily routine ... if I am willing to open myself up and connect deeply to God. I allow myself to tap into something far greater than worldly eyes can see or ears can hear. It's a joy and presence that can be felt year around, not just during the Christmas season when we seem to center in on Christ's birth. How deeply would you say you are connected to the Ultimate Source? It's a river that never runs dry..... a bank account that is never overdrawn......a peace that passes any understanding. As we approach this celebrated day of Christ's birth I ask you to consider joining me in spreading joy not only this anointed day but every day through out the year. The ability to give or recieve the anointing is available 24/7 year round!

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