Thursday, January 5, 2017

Live Courageously in 2017!

I choose to live courageously in the coming year. The root for the word courage is cor which in Latin is a word for heart. Living with courage takes heart. It requires being vulnerable; allowing our self and others to see us in not only our best moments but our weakest as well. It takes authenticity, passion, and selflessness to be truly courageous. Courage requires us to get out of our comfort zone, our box or our arena and put ourselves out for others. Courageous people are willing to sacrifice parts of themselves to show and share their heart . Courage means standing up for what is excellent, what is true, what right. It's the foundation on which integrity stands on. Can I encourage you today to evaluate if you do life with courage or if you always take the easy way out to avoid conflict. Possibly you compromise relationships because you don't have the courage to hold people accountable. Only you can own and change that. Will you join me and live courageously in 2017?

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