Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Driving Force.....

I am thankful for the awareness of what drives me? I know what sparks and fuels me and have chosen to mold my life around this. When I was uncertain of my calling, desire or dream someone asked me "what fuels you"... "what are you passionate about?"  ...... "what will you make sacrifices for?" and ultimately... "what pushes you OUT of your comfort zone?"

Our destiny is not found in the confines of what is comfortable. If we are not willing to take risks; essentially we are saying to ourself, the Universe and our Creator that what we are capable and gifted to do, our supreme purpose, is not worth risking the mediocrity we have right now.  We do not grow in our comfort zone.....actually being comfortable means we are settling and starting the procession of regressing. Can I encourage you today to aggressively seek what drives you and passionately pursue it. In doing so you define your destiny and in the process yo will have the opportunity to help others realize theirs. 

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