Wednesday, December 13, 2017

A Limitless Resource....

I acknowledge I was unaware the true depths of my Faith until it was supremely tested. Faith isn't faith until it is all your holding onto. God sent me many challenges or trials in a particular season recently that truly showed me that Faith is limitless and expands or grows deeper as I lean into it.

An exercise that helped me greatly through this season of challenges was taking the most difficult one and starting with it from the depths of my being I would thank God for bringing me that very experience and for the growth I had in the experience, despite the pain it may have also caused.

It's a mind shift from talking about the problem and the pain to being in gratitude for the lesson and the ability to rely on faith to see and follow the light (even if it's only a small thread) through the situation. It the awareness that this has the ability to bring us out stronger and in a higher place on the other side. (failing forward)

Today are you relying on your faith to see you through a relentless season? If you took an accounting of your last few challenges would you say you were a victim of the situation or used the situation to fail forward. It's easy to be a victim.... much harder to work on ourselves; hold onto faith and march on. I promise you if you dig deep and lean into it that you have more faith than you ever imagined. Faith is a limitless resource. Would you join me in using it today?

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