Friday, December 22, 2017

Don't Dim Your Sparkle....

I choose to sparkle brightly. It is a choice not to dim my light or play small. I have in the past tried to tone it down to fit in my surroundings instead of shining out. By doing this I was subconsciously allowing my light to be dimmed or my sparkle to be concealed.

God gave us the ability and opportunity to shine, but it is up to us to fulfill that. I am often remembered of the childhood song “This little light of mine I am going to let it shine”.  The realization comes when we understand our light is only little if we don’t grow it. As a child grows that light grows in proportion if we allow it, foster it, empower and equip it.

Today is your light shining bright for the world to see? Are you a beacon that helps others find their way? Possibly you have been hiding your light under a bush or behind someone else who likes to take all the credit. Can I encourage you as this new year starts to step out and into the light? It will shine as brightly as you allow it to. Don’t dim your sparkle! God created you to shine bright 😊

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