Thursday, December 21, 2017

Energy Management.....

I acknowledge that my energy is my responsibility. God gave me Free Will and this includes my energy.  Even knowing this sometimes I must remind myself that I have the power to guide my energy in the direction that will serve me and others best.
This realization helps to move from the perception that life is happening to you instead of through you. There is a monumental difference. Are you aware of the difference? Life happens through you, as you are the creator of your own reality.
More than likely the energetic obstacles or challenges that get placed in our path are actually Divine instruments used to help us grow spiritually if we allow them too.

Energy management is like building up a muscle. The more you consciously guide your awareness to take ownership and responsibility for your own energy the more you will become a powerful force of your Divine Legacy, gifted to you by God upon your birth. Will you join me?

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