Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Acknowledge It!

Opening my mind and my heart to accept life's endless stream of gifts is in fact a priceless gift in itself. Gratitude, like Faith is a muscle to develop. The more I put it into practice the stronger it grows and the proportion my of abundance in all areas of my life increases. 

I am abundant in my health. I am abundant in my relationships. I am abundant in my finances. Maintaining a grateful heart and spirit for abundance and prosperity allows more to flow to me. It is a circle that starts with giving. To get I must first be willing to give... "knowing my gift will return to me in full--pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into my lap." Luke 6:38

Do you believe that you have an abundant life? To receive it you must first believe in it's existence. Abundance is at your fingertips... just waiting on you to acknowledge it. Will you join me today?

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