Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Forever Belonging....

I welcome the opportunity to express myself honestly in relationships, recognizing it is essential to their well-being. When I am in relationship, whether it be professional or personal where I feel listened to and understood I count myself treasured- knowing how rare the experience is.

We reserve our most intimate selves for the people who, along with us, co-create a space where we feel free to express ourselves and listen without judgment. These relationships, which thrive on open communication, can grow exponentially and demonstrate the difference between existential loneliness and a deep sense of forever belonging.

Do you have relationships in your life where you feel like you have been together forever, even if it’s only been a relatively shorty time? We all long to feel heard, understood, and loved, and being open to clear communication and expressing our feelings makes this possible. Can I encourage you to drop any masks you have in your current relationships and let your true light… your true heart …. your true self shine through

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