Monday, December 18, 2017

What's In Your Toolbox...

I acknowledge I have a toolbox of unique tools to help me navigate life, I just need to use them.  At birth I was created with a purpose and given a toolbox full of tools (gifts and abilities) and God has provided lessons and mentors along the way to hone many techniques allowing to bring my inspiration into form.

As I navigate through my life I have learned to embrace my life tools and my own unique techniques. I don’t have to do it like anyone else. God created only one of me and expects me to live into my purpose continually growing to my highest and best form.

Sometimes we forget about the tools and skills we were given upon creation and we wonder why we aren't moving forward or going anywhere in life. Can I encourage you at times like these it may just be a matter of digging a little deeper and embracing what we already inherently know and using the tools we currently have in our toolbox instead of looking at what everybody else is doing?

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