Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Owning 2018...

The time has come when I choose to stop waiting or striving for the person I want to become and start being that person. The truth is I have been that person all along. I have allowed old paradigms and self talk to keep my in that space..... no more. 

Potential is an amazing word. It is full of hope and optimism. It is based on the possibilities of what is out there for each of us. However, many people leave it in the future, never quite claiming it for their own. We get stuck in the land of hope. Hope is great place to be. God provide it for us. However, hope does not reach our potential, action does. Hope isn't a strategy it's a space we rest in that provides us comfort while we strategize, but we must choose to move out of hope and into action to achieve any measure of our full potential. 

Are you waiting on everything to line up so you can be the person God created you to be? Possibly you are thinking if I just had more time, more money, more support from my family, coworkers or friends..... can I let you in on a little secret???  It's not up to them to reach your potential. It is on you. Will you own it today? Will you stop waiting and take the steps now to being the person you are gifted to be? Everything doesn't have to be perfect..... all you have to do is own your space, set the intention and start now. Will you join me?

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