Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Price of Admission....

I am willing to pay the price of admission to exponentially grow and manifest my intentions in 2018. In the past I have had a misconception around growth thinking that working hard equals growth. My awareness came when I realized I could work hard day after day and only be digging the same rut I was in deeper.

Working hard is often confused with working smart. Many people work hard each day in the same job or life situations without reaching even 1/10 of their potential. They never chose to grow outside their comfort zone or experience the highest level God has for them because they are complacent in the rut.  Working smart looks for ways to grow and maximize on our abilities. Working smart is intentional and up early nourishing not only our body, but our mind and spirit with what it needs to exponentially expand. 

As we enter 2018 are you digging yourself into another year in the same rut or are you willing to pay the price of admission and commit yourself to growth? What does your daily recipe or ritual look like? Does it set aside time to nourish your mind..... your body..... your soul? Does it stretch or pull you outside your comfort zone? Expect to make mistakes along the way and welcome them as a sign you are growing; those are also in the price of admission. 

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