Thursday, February 15, 2018

Reaping The Harvest...

I know that just like fruit or flowers begin with a seed so does my ideas or goals. And.... just like flowers don't grow overnight or without nurturing neither will my ideas. It is so easy to come up with ideas or goals and even take the time to write them down but how many die write there before they even get firmly planted where they can grow. 

If we think about it like a seed we realize that our ideas need nurturing, just like a seed needs water to manifest into a plant or flower.  They also need fertilized to grow. What are you fertilizing your ideas with? Don't forget the need for action or pruning- honing in the good and weeding out the not so good to get the best fruit/ideas. This all sounds like so much work.  It is true, it is. This is why so many people never achieve their goals, dreams or potential. 

Can I encourage you today to write down one goal you currently have. List what you are doing to feed it, grow it, nurture it. Then don't give up. So often we give up just short of the harvest because we think it is taking too long. We've put in months, years and think no one see's our labor. I promise you God does and the Universe will respond if we remain diligent in labor we will reap the fruits of our harvest. Will you join me? 

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