Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Bottomless Well....

I live in the awareness that although I cannot choose when challenges or adversity pay me a visit. I can choose how to deal with them when they arise.  Challenges compel me to dig deep within myself and tap into that bottomless well of  fortitude, strength and tenacity that are a hallmark of my spirit. 

I have found that in the worst times I surprise myself with the boundless capacity of strength and endurance I muster up. Is it easy....absolutely not. But, once we are on the other side we look back at where we have been and are amazed at the growth and how we navigated the troubled waters. 

Today are you rising to the challenges of life and digging deep or are you sitting stewing in excuses, blame or negativity..... playing the victim role? We are only a victim if we choose to be. We always have the opportunity to fail forward. Failure is not a life sentence but a temporary state of being. 

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