Thursday, October 12, 2017

Below The Surface...

I rejoice in the opportunity to find joy in every situation. It would be so easy to look only surface deep at situations and move through life missing the joy available if I take time to delve beyond the surface.  Much of society today lives only surface deep. So much joy is lost by living in this manner.   

In Luke 15, Jesus told three stories of precious things that are lost and then found: (each is an occasion for joy and each situation required digging deep, going the extra mile or believing in the unseen)... the shepherd who left ninety-nine sheep to search for and find one lost lamb; the woman who lost a valuable coin and found it; and the prodigal son, who was lost but finds his way home. In each story Jesus spoke of the rejoicing that surrounds each encounter and He described the joy that results in the moments. 

Are you missing moments to rejoice because you are only looking on the surface at situations? There is joy past any understanding found in almost every situation, but we have to be willing to uncover it, be patient for it.... and believe it exists. Will you join me? 

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