Wednesday, March 21, 2018

If It Ain't Broke....

I rejoice in the awareness of curiosity; seeing that failure is a sign of progress rather than a sign of weakness. It is impossible to be in a continual state of growth without sometimes failing. Knowing to ask myself why did the failure occur and how can I grow from this allows me to fail fast, learn fast and step up and try again in a revised version faster. 

I was raised with the mind-set "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" which is very limiting. It trains us to settle in where things are working and quit growing. When I changed my mindset to that of curiosity and growth my mantra changer to "if it ain't broke, how can I improve it?" Knowing that the World is constantly evolving and that no system, method or procedure escapes the need to grow with the times. 

Are you living life curiously? Have you possibly settled into an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" life repeating today what you did yesterday and planning the same for tomorrow and the next day? Can I encourage you step outside that mental box of limiting beliefs? It is most likely shackling you from the future or destiny God intended for you. 

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