Tuesday, March 20, 2018

With A Side of Daredeviltry...

I choose to live outside of any previously self-imposed box. As we grow up we tend to  things like they have always been done. We are conditioned as children to do life the way our parents or teachers want us to. To stay within the confines of their rules and expectations. My generations was one where we were suppose to be "seen and not heard" and we were not encouraged to embrace our creativity or passion. 

This was always a struggle for me. I truly felt a passion for making a difference, for living outside the lines and going the extra mile when it wasn't cool or accepted as the "norm". Looking and living outside the norm or status quo requires an abundance mindset. It requires me to be always curious with an unsatiated passion for growth and a side of daredeviltry or risk taking thrown in. 

Are you living in a self imposed box? Can I encourage you that if you are over 18-21, not  being financially supported by other people that the box you are living in is self imposed. You can no longer use your parents, your upbringing, teacher or school rules as an excuse to keep living in your box. Break free today! Sure it's scary..... yes it requires an extreme amount of personal growth.... and no it won't be easy. But, oh it is so worth it and the only way we can truly experience all God called and created us to be. Will you join me 

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